WFD’s input adopted into the General Comment No. 6 on CRPD Article 5 “Equality and non-discrimination”.

CRPD Committee acknowledges that deaf children must have full accessibility at schools in sign language.

In March 2018 the CRPD Committee adopted General Comment No. 6 on CRPD Article 5 “Equality and non-discrimination”. During the drafting process, the CRPD Committee called for submissions, and the WFD prepared a comment highlighting deaf perspectives. The WFD is pleased to inform you that the WFD’s input has been incorporated into paragraph 65 of the general comment, which reads:

“To ensure equality and non-discrimination for deaf children in educational settings, they must be provided with sign language learning environments with deaf peers and deaf adult role models. The lack of proficiency in sign language skills of teachers of deaf children and inaccessible school environments exclude deaf children and are thus considered discriminatory.”

This means that the CRPD Committee considers it very important that deaf children have access to sign language at schools being able to communicate directly with teachers and other students in sign language and that teachers’ sign language skills must be very high.

The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD Committee) monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) by reviewing country reports and adopting general comments to clarify how specific articles of the CRPD should be interpreted and implemented.

You can see the full text of the general comment at: