Who We Are / Partners
Our mission, our values, our people
Our Partners
We believe in the importance of cooperation with international organisations and other partners to foster work with the Deaf Community around the world.
Official cooperation agreements can be found in Resources.
A registered UK charity (1151219), DeafKidz International (DKI) was established in 2013 by D/deaf professionals to counter the endemic abuse and exploitation experienced by deaf children and young people in low resource and complex humanitarian settings.
Today, as the global leader working to ensure the safeguarding and protection of deaf children from physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect, DKI seeks to ensure that every deaf child lives in a safe, caring and supportive environment, free from abuse, violence and exploitation.
Uniquely and as a deaf led organisation, DKI works in hard-to-reach places and on the issues people don’t want to face or talk about. DKI partners with in-country and international agencies to share expertise, develop innovative new approaches and build local capacities to ensure that the rights of deaf children and young people to protection, health and well-being are realised.
DeafSkills movement unite champions, experts and sponsors in projects and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life, economic and professional development of the deaf in the world.
- Popularization of professions
- Building a career
- Organization of championships
- Education and trainingInternational cooperation and development
- Research
- Creating partnerships with large employers
Discovering Deaf Worlds (DDW) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing the self-determination of signing Deaf Ccommunities through local capacity building in developing countries. DDW achieves this through partnerships with educators, employers, and non-governmental organizations. All projects aim to improve standards of Deaf education, communication accessibility, employment opportunities and human rights.
Visit website: www.discoveringdeafworlds.org/
EUD is a not-for-profit non-Governmental organisation whose members comprises of national associations of the deaf across Europe. EUD’s vision is that deaf people all over Europe have equality in both public and private aspects of life. The EUD is also a regional co-operating member of the WFD. Sharing common values on the rights of deaf people, the WFD and EUD established an official cooperation to streamline framework, services and resources.
Visit Website: http://www.eud.eu
ICSD is the main governing body responsible for the organisation of Deaflympics and other World Deaf Championships. The focus of the cooperation between the WFD and the ICSD is to encourage collaborative agreements and activities between National Associations of the Deaf and National Deaf Sports Associations, as well as promote human rights for the deaf and recognition of national sign languages.
Visit website: http://www.ciss.org

IDE bridges language, communication and relationship gaps between persons who are with difficulty in hearing and offer emergency services in areas not limited to (i) pre- disaster prepardness and mitigation, (ii) rescue and relief in the context of disaster and (iii) post disaster rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery. IDE is also an International Deaf Emergency Community Partner and the WFD provides and facilitates the channels of contacts between the WFD Ordinary Members throughout the world, and is committed to actively engaging in community referrals in case of emergencies caused by natural disasters.
Visit website: http://www.ideafe.org

IDA promotes the rights of persons with disabilities across the United Nations´ efforts to advance human rights and sustainable development. IDA is an alliance of networks, comprised of eight global and five regional organisations of persons with disabilities, which represent persons with disabilities and their families from all over the world. The WFD is one of the global members of IDA and cooperates closely with them by promoting human rights for the deaf people. WFD´s President Colin Allen is also the Chair of IDA for 2016-2018. The WFD representative on the IDA Board is Dr Terry Riley, OBE.
Visit website: http://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org

IFHOH is an international non-governmental organisation of national associations of and for hard of hearing and late deafened people. IFHOH provides a platform for co-operation and information exchange among its members and interested parties. As an umbrella organisation and through its individual organisations, IFHOH works to promote greater understanding of hearing loss issues and to improve access for hard of hearing people worldwide. Established in 1977 as a registered non-profit organisation.
Visit website: http://www.ifhoh.org
SLLS has as its main aim the promotion of sign language research on an international scale and the maintenance of high scientific and ethical standards of such research. WFD and SLLS work together towards providing support to train sign language researchers wherever they work around the world.
Visit website: http://slls.eu
WASLI advances the profession of sign language interpreting worldwide. WFD and WASLI work in close partnership for the future benefit of deaf people and people who use sign language and the sign language interpreting profession.
The WFD-WASLI International Sign Interpreter Accreditation is a joint initiative of the WFD and WASLI that exists to meet the increasing demand of International Sign Interpretation in the international arena. It aims to fulfil the following:
- Set, maintain and promote standards in International Sign Interpretation
- Promote a quality-assurance system for credentialing practitioners
- Maintain a register of WFD-WASLI Accredited International Sign Interpreters
The call for application is open once a year in September.
VTCSecure is a global leader in communication access for those with disabilities. We are comprised of a hand-picked group of industry telecom experts, disability specialists and elite management who use the latest technology and implemented best practices to create the most advanced next generation communication solutions. SOLVES is the backbone of VTCSecure’s technology and is a Software-Based, Video, Voice & Chat Platform. It was crafted by engineers who have decades of experience developing and implementing numerous call center solutions who approached the development of SOLVES from an accessible solutions point of view. Its cloud hosted, web based, scalable, customizable, user friendly, and built on ITU standards. It is used world wide for a variety of communication services for those who are deaf including Video Relay Service, Video Remote Assistance, Deaf to Deaf call centers.
Website: https://www.vtcsecure.com
Email: info@vtcsecure.com