Candidates for the Board of World Federation of the Deaf 2023-2027

The WFD Board have appointed the following members of the Nomination and Election Panel, chaired Mr. Henry Mejía Royet, (WFD Regional Director for South America), … Read More

Representative Organisations of Deaf People Call on the European Union at the 5th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities

The European Union of the Deaf (EUD) and the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), alongside gathered representatives of the National Associations of the Deaf, … Read More

Position Paper on the Social Inclusion of Deaf People with Intellectual Disabilities

The World Federation of the Deaf is pleased to share a new position paper on deaf people with intellectual disabilities. This paper was developed in … Read More

Position Paper on the primacy of deaf people in the development and teaching of national sign languages

The WFD has been contacted by our Ordinary Members about the issue of hearing people taking the place of deaf people by teaching sign languages or … Read More

Support to rights of deaf people from Ukraine

Support to rights of deaf people from Ukraine War brutalizes people, stripping them of their human rights. Deaf people may quickly lose their hard-won rights, … Read More