Article 20 | Functions of the General Assembly

20.1. The General Assembly shall have the following functions:

a) to decide on submitted reports by the Board on activities of WFD;

b) to review and adopt submitted audited financial reports and to discharge the Board and auditors from liability for the accounts;

c) to consider expulsion of Ordinary Members who have failed to pay regular membership fees for more than four years and/or without any valid reason;

d) to develop action plans for future activities;

e) to review and give new policy guidelines for WFD;

f) to consider and vote on all submitted recommendations, motions and proposals;

g) to consider and approve amendments to the Statutes of WFD.

h) to decide on limits for membership fees;

i) to elect officers and members of the Board of WFD;

j) to appoint the auditor, and a deputy auditor

k) to determine the site of the World Congress of WFD; and

l) to confer Honorary Membership upon deserving individuals.

20.2. Delegates attending the General Assembly shall assume the responsibility for their own travel and other expenses.

20.3. International Sign shall be used for communication within the General Assembly. All delegates shall assume responsibility for acquiring a working knowledge of International Sign.