Lecture by Dr Liisa Kauppinen

Dr Liisa Kauppinen will share her reflections on her work over the years and thoughts on human rights work for the future
It will also be an opportunity to look back at the history of the WFD, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Dr. Liisa Kauppinen and Dr. Joseph Murray will provide insight into the evolution of the WFD and its impact on the rights of deaf people around the world.
Several people will share their testimonies of their experience and inspiration from Dr. Liisa Kauppinen’s work.
This lecture will also be an opportunity to project into the future. Dr. Liisa Kauppinen, who turns 82 this month, will share her vision for deaf rights. The World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section (WFDYS) will present their actions for the next deaf generations.
Join us and be inspired by her powerful leadership!
Dr Liisa Kauppinen has a message for you:
She encourages you to support deaf rights by supporting the WFD. You can attend her lecture on May 19. You can also become a member of WFD or make a donation: www.wfdeaf.org
The 124th WFD board meeting
Recently, the 124th WFD board meeting of the World Federation of the Deaf took place.
The WFD Board held its 124th Board meeting, and the 5th virtual WFD Board meeting in the past year. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss the progress of the staff's work, the review of the action plan and the implementation of KPIs, as well as ongoing human rights work.
Alongside WFD Board and staff, observers from the WFD's Regional Secretariats attended the meeting as well as the WFD Youth Section, which provided an activity report.
We hope to have the opportunity to return to in-person WFD Board meetings in 2021.
Save the Date for Ordinary Members

We invite our Ordinary Members to note the date of April 20-22, 2022.
With the Deaf Association of Thailand, we are organizing the 4th International Conference of the World Federation of the Deaf. This event will be dedicated to education of deaf learners. We will provide you with more information soon.
As a reminder, this event is not public and is exclusively reserved for WFD Ordinary Members.