Get Involved / Take Action

Our work would not be possible without your support. Here’s how you can help:

Take Action 


  • Include fundraising for the WFD as part of your local events.
  • Hold a community event (picnic, gathering, craft stall, sports day) and invite your community to attend.

Share your Knowledge

  • Make a YouTube video about human rights of deaf people, share it through social media- (caption it for people who don’t know sign language)
  • Offer community classes in sign language
  • Print some t-shirts with positive messages about deaf culture and wear them!
  • Download the IWD campaign materials

Become an Advocate

  • Write a letter to your local paper about an issue important to you
  • Offer to do an interview with a journalist for a feature story in the paper or local TV
  • Offer to meet with your local parliamentarian and talk about deaf issues with them
  • Offer to run a workshop on deaf culture e.g. for your local council or planning authority
  • Organise a rally or street march (make sure you get permission if this is needed!)