Ensuring Accessibility / WFD-WASLI International Sign Interpreter Accreditation

WFD-WASLI International Sign Interpreter Accreditation
The WFD-WASLI International Sign Interpreter Accreditation is a joint initiative of the WFD and WASLI that exists to meet the increasing demand of International Sign Interpretation in the international arena. It aims to fulfil the following:
- Set, maintain and promote standards in International Sign Interpretation
- Promote a quality-assurance system for credentialing practitioners
- Maintain a register of WFD-WASLI Accredited International Sign Interpreters
The call for application is open once a year. There is a processing fee* of €150 and €530 for applications from developing countries and non-developing countries respectively. The accreditation is valid up to 5 years.
- Accreditation Interim Policy and Guidelines
- Accreditation Handbook
- Accreditation Approved List of Developing Countries
- WFD and WASLI Guidelines on Securing and Utilising Services of Sign Language Interpreters for the United Nations
- WFD-WASLI Accredited International Sign Interpreter Professional Conduct Review Process
*The processing fee is payable upon submission of the application for the Accreditation. All processing fees are non-refundable. Successful applicants will receive confirmation by letter from the WFD within eight (8) weeks of application submission. Upon completion of the assessment process, successful applicants will receive:
- A laminated ID card with their name and photograph showing their IS interpreter recognition status
- A certificate of accreditation
- Name and contact number of Accreditees will be added to a directory that will be featured on the WFD and WASLI webpages