Invited by Deaf Australia (DA) and Hong Kong Association of the Deaf (HKAD) President of WFD, Mr Markku Jokinen meets representatives of governments and experts in fields of human rights, deaf education and sign language with heads of organisations of deaf in Sydney, Hobart and Hong Kong. This trip aims to expand useful network between the organisations of the deaf and authorities of the government and universities for the betterment of human rights of deaf people.
President Jokinen also give three presentations in Deaf Australia Conference in Hobart, Tasmania. He also gives speeches in Hong Kong at the working Group on Promoting Sign language and Rehabilitation Advisory Committee. In cooperation with WFD, DA and HKAD, Finnish Consulates in Sydney and Hong Kong are hosting receptions
during this visit.
Here are the names of persons that WFD President had met during his visit to Australia and Hong Kong:
- Ann Darwin, Deaf Australia President
- Karen Llyod, Deaf Australia, Executive Officer
- Mr. David Parker, Deaf Australia, Policy Officer
- Mr. Colin Allen, Deaf Society of NSW, Director of Services
- Ms Deonne Smith, Access and Equity, New South Wales (state of Australia), Department of Education, General Manager
- Ms Melissa Clements, Disability Programs, Department of Education, Regional Director
- Mr Neale Waddy, Learning Support and Development, Department of Education, Manager
- Mr Brian Smyth King, Disability Programs, Department of Education, Director
- Hon. Andrew Constance, Ageing and Disability Services, New South Wales (NSW), Minister
Deaf Community group, Sydney - Professor Ron McCallum, AO, Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children - Deaf Society of NSW staff
- Ms. Pirkko Kaikkonen, Sydney, Australia, Finnish Consul
- Mr Graeme Innes, Australian Human Rights Commission, Disability Discrimination Commissioner
- Ms Kelly Ford, Advisor to Ms Cassie O’Connor Tasmanian Minister for Human Services
- Ms Jan Newton, Advisor to Ms Lin Thorpe, Tasmanian Minister for Education and Skills
Tasmanian Deaf Society staff and deaf community - Senator Jan McLucas, Disabilities and Carers, Parliamentary Secretary
- Professor Marc Marschark, Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies
- Professor Gladys Tang, Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies
- Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies staff
- Ng Yuk Chun, Lutheran School for the Deaf, Principal
- Ms. Annikki Arponen, Finnish Consulate, Hong Kong, Finnish Consul
- Mr. Philip Lee, Hong Kong Society for the Deaf, Chairman
- Ms. Ophelia Chan, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee member
- Mr. Yu Bun, Chan, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee member
- So Wan Hang, Jockey Club Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education programme, Principal
- Students and staff, Jockey Club Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education programme
- Ms. Winnie Wong, Hong Kong Society for the Deaf, Director
- Mr. Stephen Sui, Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Labour and Welfare Bureau