Discovering Deaf Worlds Update in the Dominican Republic

General Assembly Meeting
Deaf Dominicans face numerous challenges in their everyday lives. Most experience a lack of access to quality education, employment and qualified interpreters. Through the Social Inclusion of the Deaf Program, Discovering Deaf Worlds (DDW) works with the best and brightest Deaf leaders to show the Dominican community that Deaf Dominicans are skilled, knowledgeable, and capable of excelling when given the opportunity.
During DDW’s most recent visit in January 2018, the Asociación Nacional de Sordos de la República Dominicana (ANSORDO, the DR’s National Deaf Association) team identified a variety of priority goals for 2018. ANSORDO has already shown improvement in their capacity and has achieved several of these goals such as:
- Hosting their first extraordinary assembly meeting welcoming over 100 Deaf Dominicans to share their updated mission, vision and values, approve their revised bylaws and debut their membership program.
- Revised and updated their bylaws, and received constituent approval which provides clear roles, expectations and accountability for ANSORDO;
- Established a membership program registering approximately 94 members to bring revenue to the organisation as well as give a voice to the Deaf community in ANSORDO’s decision making through voting rights and;
- Devised and implemented a communication plan to better communicate with their constituents providing community updates every 2 weeks via their Facebook resulting in increased stakeholder engagement.

Creating Action Plans for 2018 Goals
Through a “train-the-trainer” approach that covers organisational development, financial management and human rights, DDW is building the capacity of the ANSORDO so that they can effectively break down the barriers that prevent Deaf Dominicans from accessing these opportunities. Through this program, DDW aims to directly impact hundreds of Deaf Dominicans, leading to a brighter future for all Deaf people in the Dominican Republic.

Creating Action Plans for 2018 Goals
Discovering Deaf Worlds is entering the third of six phases of the Social Inclusion of the Deaf Program in the Dominican Republic. To date, DDW has provided training to ANSORDO on the topics of Organisational Development, Data Collection, Mission, Vision, Values, Bylaws and Policies. ANSORDO has hosted 5 community workshops for Deaf leaders in rural and urban provinces throughout the Dominican Republic.
The Social Inclusion of the Deaf program will last for a duration of 3 years and consists of 6 two-to-three-week Phases. The WFD will be providing Human Rights and UNCRPD training beginning in October 2018.
For more information about DDW’s work in the Dominican Republic, please visit DDW’s website, DDW’s Facebook page or ANSORDO’s Facebook page.
Discovering Deaf Worlds (DDW) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing the self-determination of signing Deaf communities through local capacity building in developing countries. DDW achieves this through partnerships with educators, employers, and non-governmental organisations. All projects aim to improve standards of Deaf education, communication accessibility, employment opportunities and human rights.