COVID-19 Toolkit (Arab)

كوفيد -19: لا تترك الصم وراءك! – مجموعة أدوات للدمج   إنجليزي الأسبانية فرنسي عرب الروسية   استجابة COVID-19. في جميع أنحاء العالم ، اجتاح … Read More

COVID-19 Toolkit (Spanish)

COVID-19: ¡Que ninguna persona sorda se quede atrás!Una guía para la inclusión   INGLÉS ESPAÑOL FRANCÉS ÁRABE RUSO   Esta guía se ha desarrollado en … Read More

WFD News – July 21

Calls to applications WFD Expert Work Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) The World Federation of the Deaf seeks expressions of interest from individuals desiring … Read More

COVID-19 Toolkit

COVID-19: Do not leave deaf people behind! A tool kit for inclusion   ENGLISH SPANISH FRENCH ARAB RUSSIAN   This toolkit has been developed in … Read More

COSP 2021 Side Event

Side-Event during the 14th COSP For the 2nd time, the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and the Nippon Foundation (TNF) will host a Side … Read More

WFD News – June 21


WFD News – May 21

Lecture by Dr Liisa Kauppinen Dr Liisa Kauppinen will share her reflections on her work over the years and thoughts on human rights work for the future It … Read More

WFD News – April 21

Position Statement on Educational Rights for Deaf Learners During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond The WFD has released a Position Statement on Educational Rights for … Read More