Article 43 | World Congress of World Federation of the Deaf

  1. The World Congress of World Federation of the Deaf shall follow a day after the GA and consist of meetings of scientific commissions, as well as other meetings. The World Congress shall be convened every four (4) years, and parallel with the GA.
  2. Only an OM may make a bid to host the World Congress of the organisation. Each bid shall be reviewed and voted upon by the GA. The OM hosting the Congress shall assume full responsibility for management of the Congress, following provisions outlined in the Internal Rules.
  3. The organisers of the World Congress of World Federation of the Deaf shall cooperate closely with the Executive Team and shall follow stipulated guidelines provided in the Internal Rules. Presidents of commissions work under supervision of the Executive Director.
  4. The organisers hosting either the World Congress or an international conference shall submit a proposed theme to the Board for approval.