COVID-19 Toolkit (Russian)

COVID-19: Pуководство по инклюзии Не оставим глухих людей в беде!   АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ИСПАНСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ФРАНЦУЗСКИЙ АРАБСКИЙ РУССКИЙ   Данное руководство было разработано в связи с … Read More

Refugees from Ukraine informations

Information on the reception of deaf refugees from Ukraine     ENGLISH   Український     The World Federation of the Deaf has collected information … Read More

Інформація про біженців з України

Інформація про прийом глухих біженців з України     Англійська   Український     Всесвітня федерація глухих зібрала інформацію щодо прийому глухих біженців з України. … Read More

WFD Congress/Conference bids

WFD Congress/Conference bids The World Federation of the Deaf has two major events on a rotating four year timetable.  Our WFD Congresses and Conferences.   Our … Read More

Review 2021

2021: An exceptional year 2021 continued to be dominated by Covid19, albeit to a lesser degree as vaccines began to be distributed around the world. … Read More

WFD News – December 21

2021, an exceptional year This year has been marked by COVID-19 and the 70th anniversary of WFD. We were active on both counts. We also continued our work to defend … Read More

WFD News – November 21

Vote to support WFD! Dr Joseph Murray, the WFD President, is is one of 6 finalists for Norwegian Volunteer of the Year for his 26 years with … Read More

WFD News – September 21

Sign Language Recognition Webinar “Unlocking the Potential of Sign Language Rights” With the support of the Nippon Foundation, the WFD hosted a webinar on  Sign … Read More

WFD News – August 21

Human Rights abuses in Haiti Information of July 2, 2021 The World Federation of the Deaf has received reports that in the last five years, … Read More